Tuesday, February 17, 2009


My bed is a full house of a night. And a lively one as well.

(Hmm, that sounds dodgy. Oh, well. Let it pass.)

Last night, Rhadwen was on the bedspread, up by the pillows. That's her usual spot. I push her over a little, get in, and she hunkers down next to my shoulder.

A few minutes go by. I'm not asleep yet. Anon, I am not asleep at all. In streaks Gwenith! In flies Huw after her! They land plank! plunk! on the foot of the bed! They engage! In all the fury of sibling rivalry they wrestle, they battle, they fight!

MeeyowyowyowowowowMeeeeeeiiiiiiOOWWWW!!!! The din of feline howls rends the air!

"Shut up, kids!!"

The noise subsides, and Gwen settles down, effectively immobilizing my feet and ankles.

Huw, however, isn't ready for sleep. He stalks up towards the head of the bed and plops himself down right in the face of Big Kitteh Rhadwen.

She can't resist. She starts out by whapping him across the nose a time or two, then works herself into a looonnnnggg campaign of grooming him. Liklikliklikliklik!! Liklikliklikliklik!!

Then, just for variety, she commences to groom herself. Liklikliklikliklik!! With her plastered to my side the vibration shakes me and shakes the bed.

I am still not asleep. Or anywhere near it.

I contemplate how it would be with three or four more kittehs, all sleeping on the bed. All sleeping on me.

Oh, gosh, no. I'd never drop off, and once I did, with the weight of them I could never get out of bed in the morning.

Well, the bed could be even more full. Llewellyn the dog could sleep up there, too. But he's never been invited and he's never tried.

He's a huggy dog, but I'd say that's just as well.


DogsDeserveFreedom said...

That was a great read! Thanks for posting


Sandy said...

Sounds like my house! Thankfully there are only two that I have to fight for the bed! LOL

p.s. They are SO nice and warm during the cold night.

St. Blogwen said...

DDF, glad you liked it!

Sandy, yes, teh kittehs are graaaaaeet fur keepin de heatin billz doan!