Tuesday, March 31, 2009

She Seems All Right

Here is Rhadwen on the floor of my study this evening.

Usually, this pose means she's feeling fine and is at peace with the world.

Hope it's the same now. She seems all right. She's been taking her ulcer medicine on schedule. Not willingly, but resignedly. No more blood thrown up, that I've been able to see.

Watch and wait is all I can do.

But-- touch wood!-- things look promising just now.


Sandy said...

I am so glad she seems to be doing all right. Loved the photo. Give the kitteh a little scritch for me!

Miss Kitty said...

Is all well? Haven't heard from you in a while...just concerned for your well-being. :-)

St. Blogwen said...

Thanks for asking. I have been well, so have the goggie and teh kittehs, but my computer has not.

I admit, of course, that that doesn't cover all my excuses for not posting on this blog since the end of March. But I must make it do if I'm to get any dinner tonight!