Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I Haz a Sad

Last night at 3:00 AM found me in the Kitten Room, desperately darting, feinting, reaching, clutching, missing, pleading, and nearly crying.

What brought me to so strange a pass at so strange a time?

A wee tube of flea and tick protection-- and a pink and white floofy catkin who simply wouldn't allow me to put it on her.

I'd taken care of the rest of her four-legged siblings hours before. And I was determined that I was going to dose Gwenith, too, before I went to my well-earned sleep.

But she wouldn't let me! It wasn't just that she sensed it was monthly flea dosing day, she'll never come to me, not unless I'm immobilized at my computer or snug in my bed!

Llewellyn the dog is my shadow. Rhadwen is always keen for a petting or skritches. Huw butts up against my legs until I nearly trip over him. None of them gave me any trouble with their flea and tick medicine. Why won't Gwenith do the same?

O Gwenith, Gwenith, doan u luvs ur momma? Ur moma lurvs u! Shje duzzen wun u eated up bye teh fleez an teh tix!

But no, she has to lead me a frantic chase. Under the rocking chair. Under the bed. Nearly into the box spring. Into this corner of the room. Into the other. Under the rocking chair again. And me on my knees pleading with her to come out, wondering, What Did I Do Wrong to end up with such a shy kitteh?

I finally catch her, and get the medicine applied between her squirmy shoulder blades. Which operation probably convinced her she was right to avoid me.

But what could I do?

O Gwenith, u givezes mee teh unhappee!! Ai haz a sad!!1!


Anonymous said...

Sum kittehs ar just kinda like that. shees stil prety yung. meeby when shee mellos as shee gets oldr, shell lov yu mor.

don has a sad. ai luvs yu!

ps: ai is whiskers, incase yu kudnt figur it out

Sandy said...

Ai is glad yu givz her luvs eben if she duzzen layk medsin.

St. Blogwen said...

Wii haz teh funnee, beekuz mah Gwenit wuz awl obber mee lass nite an nite befor. Mebbe juss teh pettinz seh duz nawt liak!

An medsin.

O an Ladee Whiskers o teh Blak Dimon! Ai trighed leeving u ay kommint awn ur Lyv Jurnel blog. It sae ai nawt membr mai oawn bloggs! Wown let mee kommint! Teh froosstratedds, ai haz dem!

Anonymous said...

Ya, teh live journal is teh poopy bout teh comments. so is mah whiskers blog. but maybe, teh maispase wud werk. is myspace.com/gibsongirl09092006

fank yu fur teh attemted commnt :)