Saturday, July 11, 2009

Stoopy Piggeh Goggeh!!

I had a nice, big, full, developing head of broccoli in my garden.

Until this evening, when this is what Llewellyn did while a friend and I chatted nesciently on the back porch:

Grrrrr, ggrrrrrrr! Naughty dog! Naughty! Naughty! Nawty!!!



whiskers said... least he's getting his greens...

Perhaps some chicken wire?


St. Blogwen said...

I about greened him this evening.

I was across the alley talking to a neighbor, and told her it was ok for me to have the dog shut by himself in the yard: he'd eaten the last head of brocolli last night and he couldn't make much of a dent in all the lettuce. But speaking of lettuce, why didn't I go get her some? So back I go into my yard, to discover that my greedy goggeh has eaten most of the leaves off two of the brocolli plants and cropped the leading shoot off the biggest Brussels sprout! If I get anything at all off them this summer, it will be a young miracle.

Oh, he is in so much trouble . . . !!!

But chicken wire. Golly. Sounds like more supplies and more work. Think I'll just keep him on the leash when he's out in the yard.