Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Campaign Against the Fleas

The anti-flea medicine came yesterday, but I didn't get it on the beasts until today. Had the idea that I needed to go buy flea shampoo for Rhadwen and bathe her first.

Got the shampoo yesterday afternoon; did not get the bathing done.

Nor today. The thermostat is set low for economy, it's blowing and rainy outside, and it's too cold to handle wet felines.

But something had to be done. So all four of them, the dog and three cats, got their first doses of flea medicine today regardless.

And it's almost too good to be true how well Gwenith and Huw took the between-the-shoulder-blades application. Almost as if they thought they were being groomed by a very wet tongue.

Rhadwen objected, rather. I made it up to her with a dried salmon treat.

In fact, treats for all! Treats for all my good four-legged children!


Sandy said...

I'm glad you didn't bathe R with the flea shampoo first. I don't think you are supposed to do that before you put the flea medicine on them -- kind of like "double-dosing" them. BUT the flea medicine is wonderful because every flea on them and in the house will be history in about two days!

Sandy said...

Hope the campaign went well.

St. Blogwen said...

Sandy--Thanks for your good wishes. I haven't seen any fleas on Wennie since the first one. Though there's evidence that Ll has been exposed, that I won't go in to . . .