Saturday, November 3, 2007

Nobody Loves Me, Everybody Hates Me: I'm Going into the Garden to---


At least, that seemed to be Rhadwen's intention late this afternoon.

I'm familiar with the jump-from-the-top-of-the-compost-bin-and-over-the-fence-to-the-dining-room-sill-and-down-to-the-side-yard-and-around-the-front-to-freedom ploy.

I've seen the variation where she dispenses with the compost bin and attempts to shinny up a fence picket and over and gone.

I've caught her seriously considering the possibilities of the jump-to-the-top-of-the-woodpile-and-up-to-the-top-of-the-fence-and-over-into-the-neighbors'-yard route.

And with the advent of Llewellyn the dog a year and a half ago and now the kittens Gwenith and Huw, I can sympathize. She used to be queen of all she surveyed. Now she has to put up with a dog who beats her to the door when I come home and pretends to chew on her, just to show her he's now the boss. She has to suffer kittens who eat out of her bowl when their food is ready and available, just to show her they can. She has to endure their occupying my lap, when everyone knows it belongs to her. It's enough to make any self-respecting cat feel unappreciated and ready to explore new horizons.

But not by the route Rhadwen tried this afternoon. This afternoon Rhadwen tried a new one. She sprang up to the very tippy top of the wooden garden seat, stood on the corner newel on her back legs, reached up nearly to the top of the fence with her front paws, and nearly, nearly, made the leap for freedom into the back alley.
The attempted escape route

Or at least, into the neighbors' rose of Sharon tree. And thence, perhaps, to the top of their garage.

Either way, this is scaaaaary. In the side yard, the front yard, the neighbors' yard, I know where to find her and bring her home. But back in the alley, next stop is our town's main drag. Which doubles as a major highway. And let's not even think of the neighborhood liveliness that would ensue if my big cat had to be extricated from next-door's garage roof.

I moved in and grabbed her before she could make the jump. And took her right back in the house, whether she likes sharing it with the dog and the new kittens or not.

Besides, I can't be letting her outside anymore. At least, not for awhile. When I was petting her day before yesterday, I discovered that she's brought in-- fleas! We're sitting tight till the flea medicine for one and all comes in the mail.

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