Friday, July 24, 2009

Swim or Sink, Barking Division

Day before yesterday, the new people moved into the house on the corner, two doors down from the House of the Flying Furballs.

They have a large Doberman named Vader, who does not wear a helmet or have breathing issues.

What he does have is good off-leash discipline, and his people, the past couple of days, have allowed him to lie out on their front lawn while they're with him.

This drives my Llewellyn nuts. Not only is there a new interloping canine in the neighborhood, said interloper doesn't have the grace to run away (i.e., keep going by on leash) when he barks at it. No, this new mutt just lies there and ignores him.

Must need to bark all the louder and longer:


Hey, that didn't work! Other dog is still there! And now he's walking around with people petting him! Try again:


Oh good grief, you could hear my mutt up and down the block. Ferociously. Constantly. Not something any of us can tolerate, especially not me with my nerves.

So I'm trying something. It's the basic carrot and stick approach. If Llewellyn can look at the screen door at Vader and keep his yap shut, he gets a treat and high praise for being a "Good, quiet dog!"

If I catch him barking or even growling at the Dobie, he gets a water squirt from the spray bottle and a "Naughty noise!"

We'll see how this works. The advent of this new dog may be an inadvertent blessing-- or the beginning of tumult and misery for one and all.


whiskers said...

Poor goggeh's got his territory


Miss Kitty said...

LOL! Poor goggie! And poor you, too.

My Lucky isn't much of a barker, but the neighbors' dogs are. [sigh]

Sandy said...

Poor goggie. He hates to be ignored!

Sandy said...

p.s. Wasn't that just horrible about those 111 dogs? I hate it when the animal has to pay the price for man's stupidity.