Saturday, May 12, 2007

Meanwhile, Rhadwen

Today was Wennie's first time out in the yard since last Fall. It's not that it's been cold here lately, just that I've had one lately.

(Well, bronchial infection, actually.)

She chased the dog, let the dog chase her, sat on the cobblestone garden path in the sun while that suited her, retreated into the shade of a hosta when it no longer did, and generally had a good time. And of course when I wasn't looking she reprised her classic bit of leaping onto the top of the compost bin, up to the top of the board fence, over to the dining room window sill, and thence to the ground and freedom! freeeeeedommmmm!

Which in this case meant under the next door neighbors' spirea bush. Llewellyn had something to say about it when I brought her back into the house, but as I reminded him, it's really none of his business.

I did let her back out, though, and she took her leisure on the back porch, reminding everyone who the real queen of this household is.

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