Monday, May 14, 2007

Rhadwen Takes Advantage

Being a cat, Wennie has an eye to the main chance. She knows when something is up, and if she can get in on the bargain, she drives it home with all her might. That is, if she feels like it.

In this case, she knows Llewellyn is being trained. She knows he doesn't get his breakfast or his dinner unless he sits and stays while I go across the room and fill up his bowl. I have to set the bowl down on the table to put the lid back on the dog food tin. And that's where Rhadwen siezes her advantage.

Up she jumps on the table, and she's got her face in the dog's dish, chomping away, before I can get the lid centered on the can.

(Now, Llewellyn does get his turn at this game. Rhadwen gets fed on top of a bookcase, to keep the dog out of her food. And he's figured out how to tease her so badly that she knocks the dish onto the floor. Pieces of kibble go flying, and guess who gets the most of it?

(And what the dog doesn't gobble up goes down the register.)

But now Wennie has found a new way to get her own back. Tonight I tried leading Llewellyn around the house with his leash attached to his Halti collar, around and around from kitchen to hall to front room to living room to dining room to kitchen and around again. Rhadwen figured out that if she sat on a certain dining room chair, she was in the perfect position to whap him with her claws every time he came around. She obviously knew he was under restraint and couldn't hit back!

If you're wondering why I didn't stop this feline agression, it's because Llewellyn never seemed to feel it. I wonder if that's because his coat is so thick. Or was Rhadwen only playing, and thought he should know what she could do if she really wanted to?

1 comment:

Sandy said...

These entries from early May made me laugh SO hard! Your descriptions are great!