Sunday, August 12, 2007

Minding Other People's Business

Yesterday, I got a call from my friend Hannah*.

"Steve and I came home yesterday, it smelled like we had a gas leak in the basement."

"Oh, no! That's the last thing you need! The closing with the new owners' is next week, isn't it? Is the house ok? How are the kittens? You called the gas company right away, didn't you?"

"Yes. They came out and it wasn't a gas leak. It was the kittens, peeing all over the basement."

"That's terrible!" And helpful me, I repeated what I'd read about how if you have feral kittens loose inside, like in a basement or whatever, they'll just become indoor feral cats . . .

Yes, maybe, but at the moment they'd had to trap the kittens all over again, and what were they going to do about the smell?

Good luck to them for it. I couldn't think of any sure-fire cures for cat urine stink when we were talking yesterday. But today I minded my friends' business royally by slipping an Internet printout on how to domesticate feral kittens into their mail slot when I was on my way home from church. They were still at their own church and I had to run off to an afternoon get-together at another friend's. So I have no idea if they've found the advice useful or not.

Wouldn't blame them if they pitched it in the nearest black garbage bag. Heaven knows, packing and moving and renovating doesn't leave them much if any time to attend to prescribed methods of feral cat taming.

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